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Engaging Volunteers at Our Lady Star of the Sea School - public

Engaging volunteers at Our Lady Star of the Sea school is integral to the experience for our students. It provides an important link to the community and the home. Parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer, especially to work with children in class or on excursions. Volunteers may be engaged, but not limited to:

  • Supporting learning activities, including one-on-one, group or roaming situations, guest speaker, sport coach, performing arts instructor, assisting with technology.
  • Assisting teachers with tasks, including display set up, resource preparation, book covering.
  • Assisting in a wide range of day-to-day school activities including photocopying, laminating, processing library books, typing stories.
  • Assisting in school associated roles, including canteen, recycle uniform shop, PFA activities,  working bees, mowing roster, School Education Board.
  • Assisting teachers in excursions, including camp, swimming, sports events.
  • Please list other volunteer positions you are interested in.

Child Safe Standards 

The Victorian Government introduced Child Safe Standards along with Ministerial Order No. 870, which set out the minimum requirements for schools in relation to child safety. Child Safe Standard 4 and clause 10 of Ministerial Order No. 870 relates to staff screening, selection, supervision, training and other human resources practices that reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing personnel, including employees, volunteers and contractors.

Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct

During 2016 Our Lady Star of the Sea school undertook a collaborative approach in developing a Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct, recognising that the responsibility of child safety sits with all members of  Our Lady Star of the Sea school community. These documents, together with the Catholic Education Commission Victoria (CECV) Commitment Statement to Child Safety, are available for access from our school website. Volunteers are expected to read these documents and be familiar with the expectations and requirements.

Application and Pre-engagement Checks

The Working with Children Act 2005 (Vic.) requires that any person doing child-related work, must have a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC). Our Lady Star of the Sea school requires that volunteers are required to apply for and pass a WWCC. Volunteers also need to sign the Our Lady Star of the Sea Child Safe Code of Conduct. The Child Safe Standards require schools to gather, verify and record a person’s history of work involving children. Our Lady Star of the Sea school takes child safety very seriously and for this reason, volunteers are required to complete an application form, listing entire work history, including any volunteer work, involving children. 

Where To Now

Information packs outlining the requirements are available from the school office. If you wish to be a volunteer please collect an information pack from our school office. 

It is an expectation that volunteers attend an Engaging Volunteers at Our Lady Star of the Sea School session. These sessions are usually scheduled in Term 1 however please contact the school office for the latest information about these sessions.

It is important volunteers are provided with an induction to the workplace. Before beginning in the role of volunteer the supervising teacher briefs volunteers to the role and work area and communicates the school’s Vision, ethos, policies and procedures.

I thank you for your understanding, your commitment to child safety within Our Lady Star of the Sea school community and for your continued support. 

If you have any further questions regarding the Child Safe Standards in regard to volunteers please make contact with me through the school office or email principal@staroceangrove,

Kind regards,

Kerryn Sells


Privacy Statement

The personal information you have provided will help us to assess you as a valued volunteer of Our Lady Star of the Sea school and will be treated as confidential. Information provided by you in this form may be checked by the Our Lady Star of the Sea school with any relevant authorities, previous employers, volunteer organisations and/or referees or sources. Information provided will be treated in accordance with
the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Privacy Statement

The personal information you have provided will help us to assess you as a valued volunteer of Our Lady Star of the Sea school and will be treated as confidential. Information provided by you in this form may be checked by the Our Lady Star of the Sea school with any relevant authorities, previous employers, volunteer organisations and/or referees or sources. Information provided will be treated in accordance with
the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

WWCC number WWC Expiry Column 3

Employers Name and Address Position / Duties Dates Employed (to and from)
Organisations Name and Address Position / Duties Dates volunteered (to and from)
Name Position School / Company Phone Number

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