Appointment as a Youth Helper
Scouts Australia makes provisions for young people who are Scouts or Venturer Scouts, below the legal age of adulthood (18 years), to work with younger members in Joey Scout and Cub Scout Units.
The Youth Member applying for a Youth Helper appointment must be at least 2 sections above the unit (section) in which they wish to work. For example: a Venturer Scout may be a Youth Helper for a Joey Unit and/or Cub Unit, but not the Scout Unit.
Youth Helpers over the age of 16 must hold a valid Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) card before appointment can be approved.
This form must be signed a parent or carer (18 years of age or over) on behalf of the youth member.
Please provide the applicant's full legal name.
List of Allowed file types
A number of approval stages need to be completed before this submission can be accepted.
Assistant Chief Commissioner Groups Approval
Appropriate approvers from the Assistant Chief Commissioner Groups Approval group will be automatically allocated for this approval stage.
Branch Office Processing
Appropriate approvers from the Branch Office Processing group will be automatically allocated for this approval stage.