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IAVP Phase 1

The Individual Adult Volunteer Plan (IAVP) Phase 1 is a Training Plan.  This form is required in two cases:

  1. with new applications for Adult Membership;
  2. with transfers (current Adult Members who are changing roles)

The expectation is that this phase of training will be completed in six months, but no later than 12 months, after joining Scouts ACT or assuming a new role within Scout ACT.

Before commencing this form, review the relevant Training Plan and discuss with your Team Leader:

Other useful information to help complete this form is available on the Scouts ACT website, including the Training Calendar for the current year and the Leader Training Workbook.

PART 1: Applicant Details

PART 2: Training Plan

Training consists of the following elements, some of which occur concurrently and some of which are prerequisites for other steps. This will influence the target completion dates you choose in your Training Plan.

  • Induction
  • On the Job Training
  • On Demand Learning
  • Multi-participant Training (weekend or weeknight F2F courses)
    • Scouting Essential (all)
    • Scouting Adventure (Youth Program Leaders)
    • Scouting Management (Program Support Leaders)

    On the Job Training (OJT) and On Demand Learning can occur concurrently.

    On Demand Learning must be completed before you can complete Multi-participant F2F Training.

    Training Outcome Element Target Completion Date
    Induction Introduction to the role by your Team Leader
    On the Job Training Hands-on experience to be documented in Leader Training Workbook
    On Demand Learning: must be completed within 3 months of membership being approved Child Safe Scouting + WHS for Scouting
    On Demand Learning: Scouting Preliminary I'm an Adult Leader + Preliminary ScoutSafe + Educational Objectives and SPICES + The Scout Method + Youth Leading Adult Supporting
    On Demand Learning: Scouting Essentials I'm a Scout + Youth Empowerment + Thank you B-P! + Plan-Do-Review + Achievement Pathways + Youth Led Programming + Being Inclusive + Making Patrols Work + Managing Behaviours + Building Resilience
    On Demand Learning: Scouting Adventure Elementary Navigation + Navigation Skills + Operate Communication Systems + Camping Skills + Equipment for Lightweight Camping + Bushwalking skills + Plan and Guide Outdoor Activities + Minimal Environmental Impact Practices + Interpreting Weather + Group Facilitation + Responding to Emergencies + Planning for Outdoor Activities
    Multi-Participant Course Scouting Essentials
    Multi-Participant Course Scouting Adventure
    Training Outcome Element Target Completion DAte
    Induction Introduction to the role by your Team Leader
    On the Job Training Hands-on experience to be documented in Leader Training Workbook
    On Demand Learning: must be completed within 3 months of membership being approved Child Safe Scouting + WHS for Scouting
    On Demand Learning: Scouting Preliminaries I
    On Demand Learning: Scouting Essentials I
    On Demand Learning: Scouting Management Leader of Adults Basic
    Multi-Participant Course Scouting Essentials
    Multi-Participant Course Scouting Management

    PART 3: Acceptance

    * Current proficiencies are to mapped to the requirements of the Certificate of Proficiency and agreed by the Branch Commissioner Adult Training & Development (or equivalent).

    Submission Public, please sign Show me how


    A number of approval stages need to be completed before this submission can be accepted.
    Team Leader Approval
    Please select the appropriate approvers from the Team Leader Approval group below.

    Branch Office Processing
    Appropriate approvers from the Branch Office Processing group will be automatically allocated for this approval stage.